November 2019

Things have got to change

Hi Fighter, It will be a quick one today as I’m weary after another round with the Combat Sports Authority (CSA). The CSA is the government body that oversees all combat sports, including boxing. Unfortunately, my stoush with them is a legal one. It’s over the prohibition they placed on my fight last March. In […]

About Father Dave Smith

Preacher, Pugilist, Activist, Father of four

Things have got to change Read More »

Ted Time

Hi Fighter, It’s Father Dave. Forgive the long time between posts but I had two weeks’ holidays and things have been predictably hectic since I got back. Much has happened since I last wrote. A lot of it involved me spending time relaxing with my wonderful children, but there have been other events worth sharing

About Father Dave Smith

Preacher, Pugilist, Activist, Father of four

Ted Time Read More »

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