G’day Fighter,
You’ll have to forgive me if this week’s missive reads more like a ‘positions vacant‘ ad, but we need some help over here at Fighting Fathers Headquarters and I’ve decided to put out a world-wide appeal.
Position(s) Vacant
The Good Lord has somebody in mind for this position, I am sure. Maybe they’re here in Sydney? Maybe they’re currently in Alaska or Damascus or El Salvador? I’ve got no idea, but if you’re in the mood for an adventure and you fit the criteria, it could be you!
The criteria are three:
- You must love teenagers
- You must be no lover of money
- You have to be be a little bit crazy!
Those are the primary requirements anyway. Being a champion boxer and having an excellent know-how with machinery would also be valuable assets, but are not essential.
In truth, there are actually three jobs, and they could be handled by three separate people (or even more) but they could also resolve into one full-time position too.
- We are re-opening Trinity’s Youth Centre in two weekend’s time. We’ll be sharing a space with our good friends of the Salvation Army of Dulwich Hill. We are going to need an extra youth worker to do between 15 and 20 hours per week.
. - Our brother Geoff is finishing up at Binacrombi Bush Camp in the next two weeks. We are looking for people who are capable of being team-leaders in helping to manage the site over the weekends (Friday arvo to Sunday arvo). If we can find enough leaders, no one person will need to do more than one weekend per month.
. - We need someone to coordinate camps at Binacrombi for kids from Trinity’s Youth Centre. These are our Warrior Weekends, and we are looking to run at least one every few months at the moment.
As I say, these roles could be filled by three or more persons, but they could also become a full-time job for one person.

Interested? Email me, phone me, or leave an expression of interest as a blog comment. Either way, I will get back to you.
Join us for Dinner this Saturday
This Saturday night, in case you’ve forgotten, you’re invited to a fundraiser dinner for the rebuilding of our church hall/youth centre/boxing gym.
The dinner is being organised and hosted by our friends from the Bourke Street Bakery – a tremendous group who have been supporting our youth work by providing our kids with their daily leftovers (of first-class breads and pastries) for a number of years. And now they want to help us rebuild!
The details are on the flyer below (click to enlarge) but I’ll mention them here anyway:
- Saturday, July 27th
- 46a Macleay Street, Potts Point (enter via Crick Avenue)
- cost = $100 (and includes wine!)
- Call (02) 9569-3225 to book
A Different Take on a Familiar Story?
It’s high time I shared another sermon with you in my weekly missives, and this week I thought I’d go with my recent sermon on ‘The Good Samaritan’.
I suspect that even my non-Christian readers will be familiar with the story. It’s one of Jesus’ most well-known parables. A man gets beaten up by thieves and is left at the side of the road for dead. Various religious figures see him there and do nothing. Eventually he gets help from an unlikely figure – a stranger from a different race and religion.
That’s the story in outline, and generally we take from this that the ‘Good Samaritan‘ is an example of how we ought to live – showing compassion to the bruised and bleeding.
I don’t doubt that the Samaritan in the story is a good example, but I don’t think this was the main thing Jesus was hoping to communicate through the story. Click the video below if you want to hear my thoughts on the subject, and leave your comments at the end. Let me know you’re take on the story. If you prefer the written version to the video, it’s here.
[imaioVideo v=1]
If you can’t view this video, click here.
That will do for this week, fighter, though I trust you won’t mind if I share another family photo with you this week before I go.
That’s my 15-year-old daughter, Imogen, who is generally much more interested in drawing pictures than having them taken.
I couldn’t believe it was her when I first saw this photo. It seems like only yesterday that … (add typical dad-type reminiscences here …).
Thanks to John Clutterbuck who offered to create a portfolio for her at no charge. You can see more of his work on the Getty Images site. And if you want to see some of Imogen’s wonderful drawing, you’ll find her site here.
I’ll hope to see you Saturday night at the fundraiser dinner.
Until then, I remain …
Your brother in the Good Fight.
P.S. And as I’m apt to remind you, if you’d like to support our work, the best way is to become a financial member at fighting-fathers.com. It only costs you $10/month but it makes all the difference at this end!
About Father Dave Smith
Preacher, Pugilist, Activist, Father of four