Hi Fighter,
It’s Father Dave back with you – a little worn and weary after our explosive Boot Camp weekend at Binacrombi – but feeling very much alive!
It was a magnificent experience!
I don’t want to get too carried away but I could eulogize on the joys of the weekend for a few missives if I allowed myself:
- the workouts
- the relationships
- the wonderful catering
- the beauty of the environment
All added up to a weekend that everybody who participated deeply appreciated.
And it wasn’t just us hardened pugs who benefited. We had about a dozen children, including a number of pre-schoolers. Indeed, I was planning on sharing one of my favourite snaps from the weekend which pictured three of our young girls proudly showing off the ‘fairy castle’ that they’d constructed for their dolls out of stones on the property!
Unfortunately that pic is on Ange’s phone which she seems to have misplaced, so you’ll have to wait until she recovers her phone before you can see that exciting image.
In the meantime, here are some other excellent shots:
Below is our Boot Camp leader, Mick Richards (right) with Fighting Father Mungo. Mick is one of the most professional trainers I’ve ever met and is certainly the least pretentious!

We didn’t see a lot of Mick strolling about and looking relaxed like that. He was normally standing over us with a stop-watch or throwing a medicine ball at us!
Below is a pic of Mick with big Trent in the Binacrombi Wrestling Cage, doing an intensive punching and fitness workout!

I’ll tell you how Mick structured out Saturday so that you have an idea of how the Boot Camp training works:
- Session 1 was a 45-minute intensive workout on the punching bags and weights equipment.
- Session 2 was a one-hour run across Binacrombi’s hills and valleys in the heat of the day.
We then broke for lunch (exhausted).
- Session three was 45 minutes of hill running, where we had to do our best to sprint 250 meters up a steep hill, jog back down, and then do some intensive upper-body exercises before shooting straight up the hill again. I don’t remember 45 minutes every lasting so long!
- The last session involved one-on-one work with Mick in the wrestling cage, alternating with sparring in the boxing ring. This lasted until everybody collapsed in a screaming heap and then gradually crawled back to the dining room for some sustenance.
My account probably isn’t enthusing anybody to join us for the next camp but, in truth, everybody who came enjoyed it so much that they determined to bring friends next time!
Mick said at the beginning that his job was to help us each ‘find our engines’ and, in truth, we all found them!
One of the personal highlights for me was having Dimitri Patsouris as my guest on the camp. I made my professional boxing debut with Dimitri (then ‘Jimmy Pat‘) back in 1996!
What is so special about this is that Dimitri didn’t have a lot of love for me at the time of our fight in ’96. Indeed, he didn’t want to shake my hand after the fight! But since that time Dimitri has become a man of faith and has developed into an enormously big-hearted human being!
The weekend climaxed for me with doing three rounds with Dimitri, who hasn’t lost any of his skills. The disheartening factor for me was that he’s now more than 30 kilograms heavier than me, and packs one helluva right hand!

I wish I’d taken some group shots of all of us together. Unfortunately I was in the middle of it all the whole time, so didn’t really get a chance! Fighting Father Denning though had an injured foot and spent a lot of time videoing the weekend. He should have a watchable version for us real soon!
In the meantime, here’s a pic of our boy, Sol Egberime, sparring with one of the hardest workers on the weekend – Nadine, whom I believe was German women’s welterweight champion.

Our next Boot Camp is scheduled for May 10th to 12th. Let me know ASAP if you’d like to join us! I can pretty much guarantee that we can help you find your engine!
There’s no sermon video this week as I wasn’t preaching.
We did have a wonderful time of prayer and worship at the Boot Camp, with Fighting Fathers Caine and Geoff doing the leading and preaching, respectively, and me presiding at the Eucharist. Even so, there’s no video.
What I do have for you this week is a new website that Fighting Father Jim and I have been working on for a while.
It’s not fully completed yet but it’s in the BETA testing phase. In other words, it’s good enough for me to show to my mates – that is, YOU!
The purpose of the site is pretty straightforward. We’re trying to build zero-cost websites for good people like yourself and we’re hoping that it’s going to be productive and viable. We need your feedback though before we go any further.
Could you do me a favour please and check out zerocostwebsite.net?
The offer of the free site on there is genuine and if you’d like to sign up for one you can. Either way, could you please also check out my alternative homepage for the site which you’ll find here.
When you compare the two pages you’ll see that one uses full-screen video and one uses a normal framed video.
I personally like the full-screen version as I feel it helps me to relate to the viewer better. Jim finds the full-screen version intimidating and thinks it will turn people away. What do you think? Both Jim and I would sincerely value your opinion.
OK, it’s time for me to get some sleep, fighter. I’ll see you next week!
May the Lord bless and strengthen you for the work to which you have been called.
Your brother in the Good Fight,
P.S. Last week I mentioned the death of my dear friend, Grace Reppion. If you’d like to join us for the funeral, we’ll begin at Holy Trinity Dulwich Hill this Wednesday morning at 10am.
About Father Dave Smith
Preacher, Pugilist, Activist, Father of four